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Institute of Advanced Data Transfer Systems School of Computer Technologies and Control

Advanced materials with unique optical and thermal properties for a new generation of solid state light sources for replacement of conventional phosphors (composite materials, carbon-based nanostructures, transparent oxides)

In this area, the technologies of new inorganic phosphors getting based on crystalline materials and glass ceramics are being developed.

Images of the surface of a sample of heat resisting  phosphor: SiO2 - PbF2 - PbO(Pb3O4) - AlF3 (40:30:20:10), obtained at a temperature of 600 0С


A) The mass concentration of the phosphor in a mixture 80%

B) The mass concentration of the phosphor in a mixture 9.1%

The luminescence spectra of the LED modules with specimens phosphors 1.1-black curve SiO2 – PbF2 - PbO (Pb3O4) - AlF3 (40:30:20:10); 1.2 red curve SiO2 – PbF2 - PbO (Pb3O4) - AlF3 (40:25:20:15)

A) The mass concentration of the phosphor in a mixture 80%

B) The mass concentration of the phosphor in a mixture 9.1%

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